Vehya, Dragonslayer - Official Red Zone Rogue Premium Stitched Playmat

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  • Regular price $30.00
  • 6 available
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A New Challenger Approaches...
Strong. Fast. Deadly.
Even dragons fear the name: Vehya...

With great pride I present to the Rogue's Gallery - Vehya, Dragonslayer

This is the very first appearance of our 2nd official RZR character, Vehya, as she faces down a horde of ancient dragons! Both this art and Vehya herself were designed by the fantastic Crovius (Flesh and Blood TCG).

These are premium stitched playmats! (I've personally done testing to ensure that sleeves don't get stuck or catch on the stitching)

Art by: Immanuela Crovius